festyle and unique culture in Japan

Japanese people always seem to look fashionable if we are concerned about the lifestyle. They are usually rarely smiles, looks stiff and often each behavior when dealing with other people, and the most important is the Japanese citizens are always on time when working, never too late in his life, therefore no wonder if Japanese people love discipline.

This habit is a lifestyle of the Japanese. Kimono, sumo, chopsticks is an example of the four things that are always relates with Japanese Kimono and their lifestyles for example, Japan's traditional dress was not just simply cover the body. A lot of philosophy and history
contained therein. Wearing kimono random origin and should not be.


Identical to the procedure chopsticks to eat. Most Japanese people would break his chopsticks into two parts finished eating. According to traditional Japanese culture, when the chopsticks are not broken, they will be stricken with an illness caused by the food we eat. However, now that tradition is only done when we were in the restaurant. For meals at home, every member of the family save their own chopsticks and sumpi it only for personal and may not be exchanged chopsticks walaupoun fellow family members, this is done because it can be considered as bad luck to the family itself


We may be surprised and always think, why do players always Sumo body fat and large. The main requirement is a Sumo player, a man with a large bone structure, and is able and willing to gain weight. not all of the sumo player since childhood. In fact, many who become big and fat after getting special training. When someone has been accepted as a sumo wrestler, he should be able to keep the "greatness" badannnya.

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