Scientists Surprised Orangutan can swimming far as 12 meter

Scientists successfully documented a the behavior of monkeys swimming for the first time. Previously, apes can not swim considered.
Documentation of swimming behavior in the form of video recording ape chimpanzee named Cooper. more than just swim, chimps also dive to a few meters below the water surface.

"We were very surprised when chimpanzees Cooper dived several times into a swimming pool in Missouri and looks very comfortable," said Renato Bender, researchers from the University of Witwatersrand.
"This is a very surprising behavior for animals is generally believed afraid of water," said Bender who plays documenting this behavior.

Other documentation swimming behavior was video recorded an orangutan named Suryia who live in South Carolina Zoo. The Orangutan swim 12 meters without assistance.
Both chimpanzees and orangutans swim breaststroke, making them different from people who usually use the dog paddle style.

Researchers suspect, is an adaptation breaststroke lifestyle chimpanzee and orangutan hanging on a tree that relies on the hands and feet, unlike humans who walk on the ground with legs alone.
Researchers stated that the results of this research underscores the need for the study of swimming behavior in monkeys and evolution.
"We still do not know since when human ancestors regularly swimming and diving," said Nicole Bender, who was also involved in this documentation.

"The behavior of great apes in the water for these neglected in anthropology," he said. The research results were published in the American Journal of Physical Anthropology on July 30, 2013 last.

Summary Tribunnews


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