2 things and unique trends that exist in Japan

Japan is famous for various anime and uniqueness. Japanese society is considered as the people who are disciplined, punctual, stiffly but on the other hand they have a unique and an exciting and different life than with people in other countries. There are always trends and unique items or odd coming from Japan. You might remember the trend of Japanese men wearing a bra? It was not just one trend that's all you know is booming and briefly made ​​a public fascinated with the variety of strange and unique trends of the cherry country. There are a few more trends that you must be curious and want to know, let alone the unique trends that could boom in Japan this?

# Substitution season usually brings its own trends in Japan. Spring is usually identical with the breaking of the flowers and the cool air seemed to inspire teenagers Japan to make hair color trends and new models. With a blend of red and green as well as a haircut like tomatoes, Japanese teen makes a unique trend called 'hair tomatoes'. Cuts and color of this model was to make the wearing look more cute and pretty

Few time ago, a photo with levitation force (drift) is currently the trend. Usually the force used is like flying or as if nothing happened, but the legs do not trample on the ground. Not a Japanese name if not make a shocking new trend. Levitation fans in Japan DragonBall cheating action, one of the famous anime there. DragonBall make enemies float with this one move and he, photo DragonBall style levitation force. Yes they can be!


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