ancient human skeleton in Bali-Indonesia

Human skeleton primeval in the crate corpse which made ​​out from stone who called the sarcophagus, was found in Subak Saba, Desa Keramas, Blahbatuh, regency Gianyar, Bali-Indonesia

"Today we found two stone coffin, but only one has successfully opened, and it still contains ancient human skeleton," said Dra Ayu Kusumawati, researcher at the Institute for Archaeology ANTARA in Denpasar when it encountered the discovery on Saturday.

He mentioned, two stone coffins at the edges equipped with accessories like a turtle head, was first discovered by burrowing in the brickyard site.

From the findings, the team Archaeological Center of Denpasar - Bali then do the second turns deepening coffin are ancient relics called the sarcophagus.

Dra. Kusumawati Ayu said, one of the two artifacts that have successfully opened lid by the officer, and it still contains a human skeleton in the composition complete bones.

"While the other one, still in one piece, so we do not know it," he said.
He added that, in addition to the human skeleton in a the coffin that early humans were also found an old jug.

"A pitcher with a length of 15 cm was located right next to the skull of a human skeleton in a coffin terkujur," said Ayu explained.

based on the results of field measurements, two sarcophagi were found to have different sizes.
"Sarkofgus a whole is a type of small coffin with a length of 150 cm and a width of 50 cm. While sarcophagus was opened, has a length of 100 cm and a width of 12 cm," he said

About the age of the sarcophagus, Ayu Kusumawati estimates have been around 2,000 years ago or since prehistoric times.
"In those days people had known perundagian and metal tools. This is evidenced by the presence of a human face or a mask protrusions that resemble a turtle at the end of the sarcophagus that is now found," she said.

In addition to already known metals, continued Kusumawati, at times it has also been known as mutual aid and a sense of unity and cohesion.
"The goal at the end of the visor made ​​coffin tomb was intended to provide a way for the soul to the other world," he said.
He explained, usually with a funeral sarcophagus was intended to influence people at that time.

"Only the nobility and influential people who use that kind of tomb coffin," he explained.
Currently, Kusumawati said, it was with the other officers still do penilitian further about the discovery of the two sarcophagi.

"We still have on-site to conduct further research before the second sarcophagus was evacuated to the Archeological Preservation Hall," she said.

Summary and translate" syafarmapalang.blogspot


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