know the German culture and art

understanding of German culture and art
Cultural life in Germany is multifaceted. There are approximately 300 permanent theaters and 130 professional orchestras in the north between Flensburg and Garmisch in southern se. 630 art museum with a collection of miscellaneous high-standard international size form a network according to a unique museum. Young painting is also very much alive in Germany and has its place in the international world. With approximately 94,000 new titles are published or reprinted every year, Germany is also quite large perbukuan country. 350 daily newspaper titles and thousands of magazine titles proving good developments media world. New success also recorded by the film production - not only in German cinema, but in many countries in the world.


German - language classified into 15 languages ​​Germanika , a clump in groups Indogermanika language . German is the mother tongue of the most native speakers in the European Union ( EU ) and including the tenth most widely spoken languages ​​in the world : About 120 million people use it as a mother tongue . After English, German took second place as a foreign language in Europe . Today there are approximately 17 million people in all corners of the world who learn German in institutions or at school . Ministry of Foreign Affairs to support the teaching of the German language abroad , submitted to the intermediary organizations : Goethe - Institut offers German language courses in 127 cities in 80 countries . On duty Deutscher Akademischer Austausch Dienst ( DAAD ) placed 440 lecturers at universities in 102 countries . Central body for universities abroad ( ZfA ) 135 German School care and about 1,900 German teachers who teach in foreign countries. Efforts to strengthen the position of German as a foreign language abroad was launched by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the project " Schools : Partners of the Future" ( Pasch ) . The goal is creating a network of 1,500 partner schools .


German state books : With almost 95,000 new titles and reprints per year , Germany is a large country in the world producing books . Frankfurt International Book Fair , held each October remains the largest meeting place for international publishers . In addition, smaller Book Fair held in the spring in Leipzig has become famous as a party reader . Since the reunification of Berlin to position ourselves as the center of the city of literature and international publishers ( among others Suhrkamp - Verlag , Aufbau Verlag ) which produced a compelling literary metropolis , the literature that does not exist anymore in Germany since the end of the Weimar Republic . No one can be sure that the books purchased it reads well . However penchant reading does not diminish , even in the Internet age . Crowded public to attend the festival as LitCologne in Köln , Poetenfest in Erlangen and a number of other festivals . Even so, only a small number of authors whose work has reached millions of copies in circulation German book market . In the first decade of the 21st century , the name of the author of the internationally successful in the first place on the list of " bestseller " . Including Joanne K. Rowling , Dan Brown , Ken Follet and Cornelia Funke , author of German children . Only one of the two text books worth ranks major literary success . These include , in addition to the best-selling book by Daniel Kehlmann " Die Vermessung der Welt " ( Measuring the Earth - 2006) , novel written by Charlotte Roche " Feuchtgebiete " ( Regional damp - 2008) which lead to a discussion about the role and image of women's sexuality . Revealed by the lively discussion , that literature can still discuss themes relevant to the general population , although the nature of a personal theme and less political.

Since institutionalization Deutscher Buchpreis ( Gift of Books Germany ) for best novel in 2005 , which exemplifies the Booker Prize in Britain or the Prix Goncourt in France , also gained success in marketing literature in the widest range of top quality . In addition to prize money , the winner Deutscher Buchpreis obtain high circulation also for his work as well as media attention . Family story written by Julia Franck " Mittagsfrau Die " ( The Central Women's Day - 2007) , an epic about the collapse of nearly a thousand pages thick RDJ posts Uwe Tellkamp " Der Turm " ( tower - 2008) and the autobiographical novels characterized by Kathrin Schmidt " stirbst Du nicht " ( You Will Not Dead - 2009 ) contained in the bestseller lists for months . Although some of the leading writers of the postwar era still work , such as Nobel Prize winner for Literature Günter Grass , and also Martin Walser , Hans Magnus Enzensberger and Siegfried Lenz , however, a new book gives them less impulse in terms of shape language . After the post-war period with the work that is rich in aesthetic innovation , and literature of the 1970s were marked by a social analysis and by experimental linguistic and shape , around the turn of the millennium , we can see a return to the traditional narrative form , the story is told with the simplicity of smooth ( Judith Hermann , Karen Duve ) . In addition to the results of the work of art of storytelling emerge experimenting with form ( Katharina Hacker ) , writing waders cultural constraints that play with a variety of literary forms ( Feridun Zaimoglu , Ilija Trojanow ) , or the power of expression that is not touched by any mode of Herta Müller Romanian origin . After being awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2009 , his work was considered too out among lovers of literature .


German theater world abroad is not infrequently labeled as noisy and affected by narcissism . But in the back there is a system that is often admired . Municipalities also have a theater stage for the three types of art ( theater , opera , ballet ) are interesting from an artistic point . Most of them belong to the type of repertory theater , meaning the show list includes some stage work that is usually performed by ensembles remain . Overall formed a sort of panoramic theater , a conference network that consists of state -owned theaters and the city , traveling theater and private theater . German contribution to the theater community is quite large : the shape ideas , attention and subsidies . Many people consider the stages as a luxury , wheezing Ngat theatrical revenue from entrance fees are generally only reach ten or fifteen per cent of its expenditure . However, the subsidy system has passed the culminating point in its development and is in a difficult stage , because the art of love is measured by the prerequisite material.

Peter Stein , a unique figure in German theater , is a " world -class director " different from other staging director by creating works that can be recognized through repetition continuity motifs , themes and authors . Pe - nyutradaraannya prioritizes style text . Force between now and the artists who berteater figures such as Peter Stein , Claus Peymann , artistic director of the Berliner Ensemble , or Peter Zadek ( † 2009) extends long distances . Vocabulary used their generation was no longer fit for contemporary theater . Sense as enlighten , teach , expose or interfere memorable obsolete . The audience could not shocked anymore , provocation on stage usually passes without replication and often no more than an attack on the well-worn cliché launched with the routine . Theatre younger generation no longer want to be " avant - garde " , but rather seek their own form of expression . With regard to this trend number premiere of contemporary playwright increased dramatically after the turn of the century . Apart from the highly variable quality , staging shows around the diversity of performing arts forms ; drama mixed with traditional pantomime , dance , music and film footage projected into ever new alloys . Not surprisingly, the staging of which style is often open and improvisation was commonly called " dramatic installation " or " adaptation for the stage " .

Frank Castorf, head Volksbuhne Berlin Freie theater, which allow play to manipulate text and rearranged at will be one of the younger generation who exemplified by the director. Name Christoph Marthaler and Christoph Schlingensief also marks a new view on the art scene and the search for new expression possibilities according to the globalization of capitalism and the life that is dominated by electronic media. Michael Thalheimer diang gap as an expert for the difficult themes that explore perso alan to see the point. Armin Petras, Martin Kusej or René Pollesch has created a form of staging that clicking preferred style: traditional storytelling manner by adhering to the text feels a bit foreign to them. Attitude towards it is always expressed criticism, criticism that seems to prove that the theater world is full of life, even if not one soul.

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