understanding Cap Go Meh feast of china culture existing in Indonesia

The Feast of Cap Go Meh

Cap Go Meh feast or Xiaojie Yuan in Chinese language which falls on the 15th lunar month of the first year is one of the traditional Chinese holidays. According to Chinese folk tradition, after the Cap Go Meh, it ended around the Lunar New Year celebrations.

Cap Go Meh feast is also called Yuanxi, Yuanye or Yuanjie Shang in the Chinese language. Night Cap Go Meh is the first night of the new moon every year. On that night, the Chinese people have the habit of installing colorful lanterns, the festival is also referred to as a "feast of lanterns". Versions

Watching the lanterns and eat dumplings are two important parts of the feast of the Cap Go Meh . And of which the origin of the tradition of mounting lanterns at Cap Go Meh Festival ? It is said that in the year 180 BC , Emperor Hanwudi ruling during the Western Han Dynasty ascended the throne on the 15th of the first lunar month . To celebrate his coronation , Emperor Han Wudi took the decision to make the 15th of the first month as the feast of lanterns . On the night of the 15th of the first month of every year , he berkebiasaan excursion outside the palace and celebrate the festival with folk . In the year 104 BC , Cap Go Meh Festival is officially listed as a national holiday . Thanks to that decision , Cap Go Meh Festival scale increases further . According to the rules , every public place and each family is required to put up colorful lanterns , especially on the main roads and cultural center lantern exhibition will be held massive festive . The people , both old and young and old , men and women will flock to it all week to watch the lanterns lanterns and dragon lantern dance , in addition to guessing the puzzle .

Colored lanterns mounted on the Cap Go Meh Festival mostly made ​​of light-colored paper. Lanterns called "zoumadeng" or lanterns galloping horse is one of the most interesting kinds of lanterns yan. It is said that it was a historic lanterns thousand years.

Eat dumplings on the feast of Cap Go Meh is also one of the old habits. Onde-onde eating habits started from the Song Dynasty (960 AD-1279). Dumplings made ​​with glutinous rice flour and fruit jam. Once cooked, it tasted delicious all. At a later date, the people in the north call the food as "yuanxiao" and people in the south refer to it as "Tangyuan", and its manufacture was different from north to south.

Now onde-onde assortment, and other places and other ways of making it.
At the Cap Go Meh Festival, people in addition to enjoying the lanterns and eat dumplings, also hold other entertainment activities, such as stilts, dance yangge (sort of the typical dance in northern China) and lion dance performances.

translator: Understanding cultural and ethnic worldpenerjemah



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