5 New Year Festival, But Not For January

kinds of celebration of the new year in a unique world
about New Year celebrations in the world


New Year celebration is not only celebrated the end of the year. Several countries in the world have celebrated the New Year festival in mid-year. What is it?
Some countries in the world have a New Year celebration respectively. This celebration became a tradition, then regular festivals held each year. Some of the festival was held in late December, but in the middle of the year.

1. Chinese New Year, China

In his home country, Imlek or Chinese New Year is a festival celebrating the arrival of spring. Chinese New Year is celebrated on the last day of the Chinese calendar, for 15 consecutive days. Chinese New Year Lantern Festival terminated by, which is always held in various cities.

2. Seollal, Korea

China has Imlek, Korean has Seollal. It is a New Year festival Koreans, signifying the first day in their calendar. In 2013, Seollal held on February 10. While next year, Seollal held on January 31.

For Koreans, Seollal is a family holiday time. Celebration for 3 days used to go home and get together with relatives, also did some traditions.

3. Nowruz, Central & South Asia

Nowruz is a celebration of the Persian New Year by the calendar. The new year is celebrated by the countries of Persian ancestry in Central Asia and South Asia. Starting from Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, Russia, Armenia, Georgia, Azerbaijan, India also

4. Songkran, Thailand

In Thailand, New Year is celebrated with the wet. Yes, Songkran or also called 'water fight festival' is New Year celebrated all residents of the White Elephant Affairs. Took place on 13 April each year, people flocked to the streets and spraying water in all directions.

5. Penti, Indonesia

The majority of Indonesian people celebrate the new year in late December. However, another case with Wae Rebo village communities in Flores, NTT. They celebrate the New Year in November each year.

Here Penti, New Year festival celebrated Wae Rebo small rural communities. Penti held in November, which is the first month of the traditional calendar of local communities. It is also a month early planting.



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