The most expensive book in The world

Now almost all of it is present in digital format, including books. But in the middle of the popularity of digital books or e-books, there are some books that became the target by collectors around the world. Want to know what? Let's check them out.

GOSPEL Gutenberg

Many people think of Johann Gutenberg's printing press test with the gospel, and that is why this gospel is expensive. Well, that theory is true, but the truth of the gospel is the first book Gutenberg printing results that are sold by him. He only scored less than 200 pieces, and is currently estimated that only about 48 are left. In 2007, one sheet of the gospel successfully auctioned off at a price of U.S. $ 74 thousand! Two decades earlier, the volume of incomplete sold for U.S. $ 4.7 million to a Japanese company.
 contents of this gospel is taken from a holy book budda is an old Buddhist canon
copied and translated into many languages ​​especially English
This is a function of the gospel in order to facilitate understanding of the younger generation of religious.
The best evidence that this book characterizes the spirit of Buddhism is correct and reflects the character and the rest of the entire Buddhist world . It has even been officially introduced in Buddhist schools and temples of Japan and Ceylon . Soon after the appearance of the first edition in 1894 the Right Rev. Shaku Soyen , a prominent Buddhist abbot of Kamakura , Japan , has a Japanese translation made ​​by Teitaro Suzuki , and soon after that the Chinese version made ​​by Mr Ohara of Otzu , a talented editor Buddhist magazine , that while it has unfortunately met with an early death . In 1895 the Open Court Publishing Company issued a German edition by EFL Gauss , and Dr. L. de Milloué , curator of the Musée Guimet , Paris , followed by a French translation . Dr. Federigo Rodriguez has translated the book into Spanish and Felix Orth into Dutch . Privilege of translating the book into Russian , Czechic , Italy , also into Siamese and other Oriental tongues has been granted , but the latter is publishers only accept version in Urdu , a dialect of eastern India . READ MORE


Shakespeare First Folio contains about 36 script by British playwright. Interestingly, the entire text of this book were collected and published by fellow poet, John Heminge and Henry Condell. Because of their good relations with Shakespeare, the text in the first folio is considered as a form of original works of Shakespeare without the intervention of a translator or editor. Until now, most of the theater chose to use the Folio version of the play. While it is often reprinted, but due to the scarcity and reputation of Shakespeare, when a copy was found and auctioned off, worth about 2.8 million pounds, or approximately U.S. $ 4.2 million.


Edgar Allan Poe often wrote poetry, short story long, and all of it has been frequently recorded in various volumes or compilation. But until now, no one book contains a collection of the author of this American poetry is quite rare, ie "Tamerlane and Other Poems." Poe, author of the poem "The Raven", using the pseudonym "Citizens Boston" when publishing a book printed just as much the 50 pieces. Very small amounts, and bagimana Poe managed to hypnotize many people through the works of supernatural make this book valuable expensive. More recently, a copy of "Tamerlane and Other Poems" sold for more than U.S. $ 600,000.

Leonardo da Vinci's Codex Leicester

Who does not know Leonardo da Vinci? In addition to painters, he was also a scientist, and now his name has become the title of one bestseller. Among all of his work, he wrote the Codex Leicester, named after the previous owner. Codex is the only book written da Vinci himself by using his hands at a time. It is no secret, Leonardo da Vinci was an ambidextrous. Because of its historical value and uniqueness, Bill Gates unsparing poured funds amounting to U.S. $ 30.8 million to have it.

Birds of America by John James Audubon

Actually, this is not a book, but a collection of paintings. Audubon was a naturalist painter who likes to pay attention to the flow of the wild. He loves to document all the species of birds in the plains of America, and when successful painting in the size of the original 425 species of them, the whole painting is printed on paper to be a giant size. And was never present in the form of a conventional book. He will send the prints to customers on a regular basis. Later, customers are responsible for collecting all of these prints into one book. In 2000, one complete volume sold for U.S. $ 8.8 million.

Geographia by Ptolemy

Ptolemy, a scientist of ancient Greece, wrote Geographia containing his opinion on the principles of geography, and include some of the world map according to him. Because there was as yet no printing press. All maps in this book are not accurate by today's standards, and later lost a lot of maps, because the process of copying by hand requires special expertise. In the Renaissance period, this book in duplication and some new maps added.

"Institutes of the Christian Religion" by John Calvin

A few centuries ago, the Protestant reformation transform Christianity into many small streams as it is today, and John Calvin is one of the many authors of theology at the time. His book, "Institutes of the Christian Religion" provides guidance on the gospel text for the reader. Originally written in Latin, but then more widely accepted in English. The original version was sold for U.S. $ 720 thousand.

Sarajevo Haggadah

Haggadah is the book for Jews, which is an integral part of their traditions and rituals. Sarajevo Haggadah is dated around the 14th century. And all the illustrations in this book are decorated copper and gold. In addition to its religious value, beauty and historical value of the book makes it very expensive. When checked the value of the full book, U.S. $ 700 million to the value.

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