culture and traditional society of Bali island-Indonesian

know and understanding culture of the island of Bali
Bali is an island located in Indonesia.
natural beauty and friendliness the people make bali widely known by the world. Bali has many cultures and ethnic groups.

Customs and culture in Bali is very closely related to religion and religious life of the community. Western culture has a very long historical roots that reflect the expressive configurations with dominant religious values ​​of the Hindu religion. Kongifurasi includes religion, life patterns, settlement patterns, social institutions, and the arts to the people of Bali.


The majority of Balinese Hinduism has embraced the basic framework includes three things: Tatwa (philosophy), Tata Susila and Ceremony. Hinduism is based on scripture Wedha, all of which are collected in four Samhita, ie Reg Wedha Samhita, Same Wedha Samhita, Yayur Wedha Samhita Samhita and Atharwa Wedha. In essence, the teachings of Hinduism is that Cradha Panca means five beliefs, which are beliefs Widi Cradha to Sang Hyang Widhi or Almighty God, Atma Cradha is the belief in the atman or soul in every being, Karma Phala Cradha is confidence in the legal action, Punarbhawa Cradha is the belief in reincarnation or rebirth after death, Cradha moksha moksha which is the belief in eternal bliss.

Pattern of Life

Patterns of social life in Bali Hindus strongly tied to aspects of life that are required to worship or pray in a particular temple, are required to live together in one place in the community, in the ownership of agricultural land is required in a particular subak, required in social status based on color, the bond required by the principle of patrilineal kinship, are required to be members of a particular sekeha, and are required in a certain village administrative unit.

Settlement patterns

Balinese settlement structure can be differentiated into two types, namely the settlement concentric pattern like the Balinese people who live in the mountains and settlements spread pattern like the people of Bali are located in the lowlands. Concentric patterns of traditional village on a central point. While the patterns of spread, the village is divided into a single unit smaller area called Banjar.


Art on the Balinese is a complex element that looks favored by the citizens of the community, so it looks as if the entire life of the Balinese people dominate. On the basis of such a function is the focus of the art of Balinese culture. Bali area is very rich in the arts, all branches of the arts grow and flourish in the life of the community that includes fine art, the performing arts and sound art.

Visual arts includes one branch consisting of sculpture, painting and decorative arts. Public sculpture in Bali has undergone a long development that is patterned sculptures that belonged to the megalithic pre Hindu man who is seen as a link with the ancestors and the forces of nature, statues of gods were regarded as medium human with gods and this type is the influence of Hindu-Buddhist-themed statues of the characters of Mahabharata and Ramayana story, the forms of relief are engraved on the walls and door of the house pole, as well as sculptures shaped naturalist.

Likewise, the art of painting in Bali which has undergone a long history. Starting with paintings such as rerajahan magical symbolic, religious paintings such parba painting, ceilings and ider-ider, as well as paintings that are naturalistic.

For traditional dance in Bali by function classified into three types, namely Tari Wali (sacred dance) is a religious dance that is considered sacred, Bebali Dance is a dance ritual that serves as a companion, and Balih-balihan Dance is a dance that serves as entertainment. Sacral or type of dance that is considered sacred among others: Dedari Trance Dance, Rejang dance Sutri, Pendet, Baris Gede Dance, Tumbak, Jangkang Line, Line Trench, Poem, Seraman, Tekok Jago, Mask Displays, Weak Wayang, Wayang Sudamala, Dance Abuang, Bruntuk Dance, Dance Dakamalon, Ngayab Dance, and Dance Kincang-Kincung. Clothing or gander tool used by the public will be consecrated or sacred.

Literary arts in Bali is the result of a noble heritage and a source of reference as well as other forms. Since time immemorial people have been familiar with writing Bali or Balinese. Overall the literary arts in Bali has experienced five times the Ancient Balinese literature, literature of Hindu Bali, Bali Javanese literature, literary New Bali and Bali Modern literature.


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